Thursday, May 2, 2024

Inuyasha 1.05

Aristocratic Assassin, Sesshomaru

Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's older brother, comes looking for him. Sesshomaru is looking for the grave of their father. Sesshomaru thinks that his younger brother might no where it is.

Kagome returns to the feudal era and brings with her a bicycle and a first aid kit. She tries to help Inuyasha heal from the wounds he received during battle in the previous episode but he has already healed up. Inuyasha and Kagome learn about Sesshomaru and his quest from Myōga, an anthropomorphic flea.

Inuyasha doesn't have long to wait before Sesshomaru and Jaken, his assistant, show up. They bring with them Inyasha's mother. She died a long time ago but as Sesshomaru explains, it is within his power to bring people back from the dead.

Inuyasha strikes first and frees his mother. She transports the three of them back to the border with the land of the dead. Kagome wakes up and sees Inuyasha talking to his mother. She notices that there is something strange about the reflection of Inuyasha's mother. She tries to warn Inuyasha but she can't seem to speak or move.


Kaede appears briefly in this episode. The Shikon Jewel gets mentioned but for the first time does not seem to be the focal point of the episode.

I feel as though the world is expanding once again as is Kagome's knowledge of Inuyasha.

It seems to be implied that Inuyashs and Sesshomaru only have one parent in common. 

This episode ends with a cliffhanger, as did the third one. I am more intrigued and interested in watching more after seeing this episode than I was after the last one.

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