Monday, May 27, 2024

The Crimson Kimono (1959)

The Crimson Kimono (1959)

starring Victoria Shaw, Glenn Corbett, James Shigeta
written, produced, and directed by Samuel Fuller

82 minutes

LAPD Homicide Detectives Charlie Bancroft (Glenn Corbett) and Joe Kojaku (James Shigeta) are assigned to investigate the murder of Sugar Torch, a stripper. Their investigation leads them to Christine Downes (Victoria Shaw) an artist who also goes by Kris and who painted a picture for Sugar Torch. Both detectives fall for Kris.

She chooses Joe but Charlie has already told him that he (Charlie) wants to marry her. Joe doesn't know how to deal with his dilemma which is complicated by the societal pressures and his friendship with Charlie which goes back to their service in the military during the Korean War. Joe is considering quitting and leaving town when a break in the case brings him back together with Kris and Charlie.


Is this a film noir? I saw it at the AFI which credited Noir City with helping the AFI to make it available. The Wikipedia entry describes it as a film noir but I'm not so sure about that. It didn't feel noir to me. Maybe on the outskirts but the meat of this story is about the triangle formed by Joe, Kris, and Charlie. Setting the relationship drama aside leaves me with a police procedural which could be noir but doesn't feel it to me.

There's a much better movie at the core of this story than what I saw on the screen. I wasn't very taken by the acting, especially by Corbett and Shigeta. I'm not sure if they are entirely to blame. The way the movie is cut together makes it feel very rushed and choppy in places. I wish I liked it more than I do. I don't regret seeing it but I also don't like it terribly much.

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