Friday, May 31, 2024

Un Village Français 4.07

Le visiteur
or The Visitor

9 Nov 1942

Dr, Larcher and Sarah go to a farm to get milk, early on a Sunday morning. They find a wounded man hiding in the barn. He came from London. Larcher leaves Sarah with the man and goes to get his wife so that she can help him operate on the man who is in bad shape.

A man knocks on Bériot's door. He uses a pass phrase and explains that he is on a mission. Bériot takes him to see Marie. She is suspicious of him. He asks a lot of questions but won't tell her anything. She takes him to see Crémieux.

Müller is back. He has a brief meeting with Servier and Larcher, who is trying to get back to the man in the barn. Müller explains that he back and untouchable by Kollwitz. There were two men who parachuted in from England. One of them is dead and the other was captured at a farm. He wants Larcher to do what he can for the man to keep him alive.

Rita is still with Marchetti. He is still pretending to try and find her mother. She discovers that she is pregnant. She asks him to find someone who can help her end the pregnancy prematurely.

Larcher goes to the police station. He gets a moment alone with the wounded man, the same man as from the barn. The man wants him to help him to get the cyanide pill from his ring. Larcher refuses. Larcher leaves the police station suddenly and goes looking for Sarah.

Jeanine Schwartz asks her husband to sell her his share of the cement factory. She offers him 500,000 francs. She wants an answer right away but he makes her wait a day. He decides not to sell.

Bériot finds out that the man who came to see him isn't with the Resistance; he must be working for the French police. Bériot rushes to find him. He arrives at Crémieux's home only to discover that the man left with Marie.

Daniel finds Sarah hiding near the farm. He takes her to his father's old house. He wants her to hide out there. He says that there is no one living there but they hear some noise and then find someone, Marcel, Daniel's brother.

The episode ends with Marie and the man who falsely claimed to be with the Resistance riding somewhere on bicycles.


I had a bad feeling about that guy from the moment he showed up at Bériot's door. It wasn't long until it became clear that he had to be lying.

Gustave and Hortense show up briefly in this episode.

The second half of this season, like the first half, takes place over the course of six days.

I'm not sure what is going to happen with Marie but I've got a bad feeling. I'm not sure what is going to happen with Marchetti and Rita. How long is Marcel back for? I don't think it is for very long. Maybe the rest of the season but I'm not sure.

This wasn't as depressing as most of the episodes in the first half of this season but it was still kind of heavy in places and there were no light moments.

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