Thursday, May 30, 2024

Inuyasha 1.09

Enter Shippo... Plus, the Amazing Thunder Brothers!

Shippo, a young fox demon who looks like a child tries to take the shards of the Shikon Jewel from Kagome and Inuyasha. His first attempt is unsuccessful but he manages to get his hands on them and trap Inuyasha with a spell. Kagome goes after Shippo. She catches up to him just as he runs into Manten, one of the Thunder Brothers, who have already found a few shards and are looking for more of them.

Kagome and Shippo try to escape from Manten, Shippo gets away but Kagome is captured. Manten takes her back to his lair. He is getting ready to boil her when Hiten, the other Thunder Brother, shows up. Hiten seems uninterested in Kagome until he learns that she knows where there are more shards of the Shikon Jewel. She also claims that Inuyasha is her lover.

Shippo finds Inuyasha and convinces him that they need to find Kagome. They are out looking for her when the Thunder Brothers strike.


Shippo is one of the characters from the opening credits. This is the first episode in which he has appeared. There are two more characters from the opening credits who have yet to appear in the show.

I like the way they toy with the possibility of romance between Kagome and Inuyasha. Kagome leans into the fiction of it but Inuyasha seems kinds of put off by the possibility.

I've noticed that the commercial break in most (maybe all) episodes up to this point doesn't come until about 2/3 of the way into the episode. I wonder if that is because most of the stories are spread across multiple episodes?

It's hard to evaluate an episode like this one because it is part one of a longer story. I don't expect that the Thunder Brothers will necessarily survive the fight with Inuyasha but I expect that Shippo will be back in more than just the next episode.

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