Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Doctor Who (1963) 12.01.04

Robot - Part Four

The Robot keeps the Doctor, the Brigadier and his troops away from the entrance to the bunker. Miss Winters has Professor Kettlewell start the countdown to launch the nuclear weapons. Harry and Sarah escape with Professor Kettlewell. The Robot accidentally kills Professor Kettlewell with the disintegrator gun and then goes insane when it sees what it has done.

The Doctor stops the countdown just in the nick of time. The Think Tank people are rounded up. Everything looks like it is going better but then the Robot somehow makes his way back into the bunker and starts the countdown all over again. This time U.N.I.T. has enough time to remotely get the countdown canceled.

The Brigadier tries using the disintegrator gun on the Robot. Instead of destroying the Robot the disintegrator ray make it grow larger. The Doctor and Harry visit Professor Kettlewell's lab. They return to the bunker with an active solution which is made to disolve metal. The Doctor tosses a bucket-full of the solution on the Robot and it shrinks down until it finally dissolves into nothing.

The episode ends with the Doctor, Sarah, and Harry leaving in the TARDIS.


This is the only U.N.I,T, story and the only story of any sort one that takes place on Earth (in the present) during this season.

This story reminds me very much of some of the Third Doctor stories that take place on Earth. It felt to me (and Terrance Dicks makes mention of it in the commentary track) that they were going for a King Kong sort of story with the Robot playing the part of the giant ape.

This story is fun but not great. It's really good but not top notch. The supporting cast were excellent I just wish that there was a little more of them in the last ten minutes of this story.

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