Monday, May 27, 2024

Wonder Woman 1.03

Beauty on Parade

Steve Trevor visits Fort Russell in Maryland which was recently hit by enemy agents, presumably Nazi sympathizers. There is a beauty contest about to happen there. The base commander insists that security is very tight but Steve and Diana have doubts.

Diana Prince dons a wig and enters the contest under the name Diana Paradise. One of the other contestants is very put out by Diana joining the contest at the last minute but the others are much more welcoming.

The sabotage turns out to be something other than what Steve and Diana suspected. It wasn't intended to destroy a government project. It's intent was to set a trap for General Eisenhower. Steve and Diana find out just in time to prevent an assassination attempt on General Eisenhower.


This was the first episode of the first season when they were originally broadcast. The previous two episodes I watched were originally broadcast as 1-hour TV specials.

I can't find any record of a Fort Russell in Maryland. There was one in Illinois and another in Wyoming but not Maryland.

Anne Francis played the part of Lola Flynn who was responsible for keeping the women in the beauty contest on schedule. I recently saw her in Forbidden Planet (1956). I did not recognize her but this episode was made about 20 years after the movie and she was playing a very different sort of role.

Dick Van Patten played the part of Jack Wood, the host of the beauty contest. I've seen him numrous things but the first thing I think I saw him in and most associate him with is Eight Is Enough.

This episode wasn't very good. I chuckled a few times, mostly because of how bad it was. The supporting cast just didn't do it for me this time around. There weren't any villains or other characters who did anything that I felt really added to the episode.

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