Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Paranoia Agent 1.11

No Entry

Ikari works security at construction sites since he lost his job as a police detective. He winds up working with a thief whom he arrested years before. The thief doesn't hold it against him. They both miss the old days.

Ikari's wife spends most of the episode at home. She tells her life story to a visitor, Shonen Bat. She admits that recently she got a medical diagnosis left her feeling hopeless. Shonen Bat seems to feed off of her desperation and grows bigger but he doesn't frighten her. The longer she talks the more she becomes more resolute and adamant she becomes about her past decisions and about her future.

Her health is failing. She needs an operation. At the beginning of the episode she was contemplating not going through with the operation. By the end of the episode, over the course of telling her story, she changes her mind.


Tsukino Sagi is also in this episode. She crosses paths with Ikari briefly.

This episode doesn't make much sense to me but I still like this series. There is just something about the way it unfolds and the way that the different elements are layered together. Part of me wishes that I understood it better but part of me is satisfied with it as it is.

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