Friday, October 2, 2020

Star Blazers 2199 1.19

They're Coming!

General Dommel is given another chance to prove himself. Dessler gives him a small force with the mission to sink the Yamato. He is promised that his wife's sentence will be reduced if he is successful. He reviews the troops before they leave there is a bit of quibbling between troops of different origins. 

Commander Okita is confronted by Yurisha over the use of the Wave Motion Gun. She explains that Wave Motion tech is not a weapon and should not be used as such. He hopes that humanity can prove themselves to the Iskandarians.

Lower Storm Leader Melda Ditz makes a brief appearance. She witnesses one of her comrades being hauled away by the secret police. She is prevented from interfering by a couple of guys who also see it happen.

Both sides consider their options. The humans have to pass through or around the Tarantula Nebula which is on the edge of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The more direct route is a dangerous one, through the Rainbow Cluster. Some of Commander Okita's senior officers suggest that they should avoid the Rainbow Cluster but he decides that is the best route.

General Dommel's carrier group departs Baleras to hunt the Yamato. The group is made up of five large ships (Balgrey, Lambea, Schderg, Daurold). General Dommel plots a course based on the assumption that the Yamato will go through the Rainbow Cluster.

The episode ends with the humans arriving in the Rainbow Cluster. They are quickly spotted by the Gamilans. Both sides launch their fighters and prepare for combat.


This episode proceeded at a much more reasonable pace that the last one. It is all setup for the next episode which presumably be a big battle. There is still a lot that only gets briefly touched on. I love the animation but the story lacks the depth that I crave.

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