Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Knights of Sidonia 1.12


The battle continues with Gauna 542. Most of the remnants of squad 1, led by Samari, head into the breach created by Sidonia's Heigus cannon. Ren stays behind to tend to one of the injured pilots. She gives Nagate her last round. Izana also stays behind instead of following the others into Gauna 542. Nagate takes off and catches up to the others thanks to the special engine with which the Tsugumori has been equipped.

Nagate is forced to leave the others when the Crimson Hawksmoth shows up. He engages it in a dogfight in which neither one seems to have the upper hand. Nagate is eventually knocked off balance by Heigus cannon fire from Gauna 542. He falls unconscious but Izana manages to save him before he crashes and is killed.

Squad 1 continues to head deeper and deeper into Gauna 542 in search of its core. A few of them get picked off on the way in. They finally manage to penetrate the core of Gauna 542 and destroy it. Nagate wakes up and continue his fight with the Crimson Hawksmoth. He runs out of rounds but then remembers the one that Ren gave him. He fires the Tsugumori's hand, at very close range, with the round in it at the Crimson Hawksmoth. It is destroyed.

The Inter Planetary Missile that Sidonia fired at Gaune 542 destroys the asteroid that is still on a collision course with Sidonia. The remaining pilots from Squad 1, 10 of them, make it back to Sidonia and are hailed as heroes.

Ren apologizes to Nagate for the way she treated him before. She explains that she and her sisters are only 5 years old even though their bodies make it look as though they are in their late teens.

Nagate goes to see Kunato. Nagate wants to make amends but Kunato isn't interested and slams the door in Nagate's face. If he can't have the Tsugumori then he would rather see Sidonia destroyed.

Ochiai meets with Captain Kobayashi. He informs her that the immortal council had plans to escape. She speculates that she would get rid of them if she could just access the full knowldge in his brain.


This episode, like the last one, is really hard to follow in places. Everything seems to be happening very quickly. It really helps to watch it more than once.

This episode is 32 minutes long. Regular episodes are about 22 minutes in length. The battle takes up the first 22 minutes of this one. The last 10 minutes take place back on Sidonia, after everyone has returned.

I can't say that I am completely satisfied with this episode or the end to the season. I'm not sure what to think of where it left things. There was a big battle. There was a little bit of teasing and then the season ended. The only real resolution was in the battle itself. Even there I am left wondering how long until they are attacked by more Gauna. Monster villains aren't as satisfying to me as human ones.

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