Tuesday, December 8, 2020

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 3.02


Adora, Glimmer, and Bow arrive in the Crimson Waste. They don't know exactly where to find what they are looking for, a portal. They get some help from Huntara, the local tough gal. She promises to take them to the center of the Crimson Waste but instead she leads them into a trap.

Entrapta's latest attempt to create a portal fails. She can't figure out what she is doing wrong. Hordak is tired of her and tells her to leave. She returns later with another idea for the portal when she notices that Hordak is sick. She tries to ask him about it but he tells her to beat it. She is persistent and he finally tells her his origin story.

Hordak is a clone of Horde Prime, a galactic emperor who is determined to conquer the galaxy. Prime discovered that Hordak was imperfect and sent him to the front lines to die. Hordak didn't die, instead he was pulled through a portal and wound up in Etheria. Entrapta builds Hordak an exoskeleton, out of First Ones tech. 

Adora, Glimmer, and Bow escape from Huntara's trap. They catch up to Huntara who has Adora's sword and Bow's bow and quiver. They fight Huntara and her two companions. Best Friends Squad prevails in the end, after Adora transforms into She-Ra and convinces Huntara to really help them. Huntara reveals that she used to be a Horde soldier but she quit when she saw what they were up against. She leads them to the wreck of a space ship. Adora identifies it as Mara's space ship.


Catra and Scorpia are not in this episode. The other princesses are also not in this episode.

Huntara is voiced by Geena Davis. Once I realized this it messed with my head. I had trouble seeing Huntara without thinking of Geena Davis.

Glimmer and Bow try to be supportive but the Crimson Waste wears on them very quickly. They do not share Adora's enthusiasm for the Crimson Waste or her crush on Huntara.

I really like this episode. It explains Hordak's backstory and moves the plot forward. I like both stories in this episode but I think I like the Entrapta/Hordak part of the episode a little more.

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