Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Sopranos 3.07

Second Opinion

Uncle Junior undergoes surgery and has a tumor removed. He feels good, everyone is happy until it turns out that they didn't get everything. Doctor Kennedy, his surgeon, days they will need to operates again. Tony thinks his uncle should try a different doctor. He talks him into seeing another doctor at a much more prestigious hospital. This leads to chemotherapy and when Dr. Kennedy finds out that his patient has a new doctor he stops returning Uncle Junior's calls. Tony has to step in and intimidate Dr. Kennedy into talking to Uncle Junior, who worships the ground that Dr. Kennedy walks on

Tony gets freaked out by a singing fish gag gift. Georgie brought it to the office. It reminds Tony of Pussy Bonpensiero and the talking fish who spoke with Pussy's voice. Tony takes out his anger on Georgie. Carmella gets approached by Angie Bonpensiero. She tries hitting up Carmella for money. Tony pays Angie a visit once he hears about it. He's been giving her money since Pussy disappeared. He doesn't take kindly to Angie's scam.

Christopher is going batty. Paulie won't stop pestering him. Chris is a made man now but there is a probationary period and Paulie is taking advantage of that. He makes Christopher strip in order to prove that he isn't wearing a wire. Paulie, later that night, wakes Christopher up at 2 in the morning and then digs through his stuff and Adriana's underwear drawer. It looks they are headed for a collision course but towards the end of the episode the situation gets defused.

Carmela goes by herself to see Dr. Melfi, because Tony doesn't feel like going. Dr. Melfi gives hr a referral to Dr. Krakower, another psychiatrist. She goes to see him and he recommends that she consider leaving Tony. Carmela also has a meeting with the dean at Columbia. He takes her out to lunch. He is looking for a donation and hopes that Carmela will be good for 50K. She is game but Tony, who isn't there for the meeting, isn't ready to give the school that much money. He later gives in and agrees to do so.


Meadow and AJ make brief appearances in this episode but aren't exactly an integral part of any of the plot threads. Ralph Cifaretto is mentioned briefly but does not appear in this episode.

Sully Boyar, the actor who played Dr. Krakower, died a couple weeks before the episode aired for the first time.

This is a decent episode but it didn't blow me away. It feels a bit like a passage way to something bigger.

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