Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Doctor Who (1963) 14.04.01

The Face of Evil - Part 1

The TARDIS materializes in the wrong place, once again. The Doctor has arrived in the territory of the Sevateem. He runs into Leela who has recently been exiled by Andor, the leader of the Sevateem, on the advice of Neeva, the tribe's priest. Leela believes the Doctor to be the Evil One who holds Xoanon, her tribe's god, captive. She explains to him about Sevateem and the place where they are.

The Doctor is captured by the Sevateem but Leela escapes notice. The Doctor is taken to Andor who also believes him to be the Evil One and unlike Leela won't listen to anything he says. Andor orders Neeva to say the litany, after which they will kill the Doctor and go to free Xoanon. Leela rescues the doctor and together they make their way into the wilderness where the Doctor finally gets to see the Face of Evil, carved into the side of a mountain. It looks just like him.


I don't recall exactly when I first saw this episode but it must have been the early to mid-1980s. I think that's probably when it aired on my local PBS station. This is probably the first time I have seen it in over 30 years. I think this installment sets things up nicely without dragging. The special effects are what they are.

The most notable thing about this episode is that it introduces Leela who will be with the Doctor for the next season and a half.

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