Friday, January 29, 2021

Dear White People 3.04

Chapter IV

Troy's article makes the front cover of Pastiche. He's happy until he finds out, after the fact, that Kurt edited it to the point that it completely changed the message. He confronts Kurt, in front of all the writers on staff.

Brooke hits on Kelsey who is suspicious of Brooke's motives. She eventually comes around and apologizes to Brooke for giving her the cold shoulder.

Gabe goes to a meeting of a group led by D'Unte. They are organizing to protest the low pay that teaching assistants receive. He gets called out by one of the other students at the meeting. He owns up to the fact that his parents had money. Sam comes looking for Gabe and gets there just in time to hear his confession. She didn't know that his parents had money.

Dean Fairbanks has a girlfriend. He meets her in the coffee shop but then he gets approached by D'Unte who accuses him of ignoring the plight of teaching assistants who have to work extra jobs in order to make ends meet. Troy is in the coffee shop meeting with a couple of the writers from Pastiche at the time. He sees and hears the whole confrontation.


Is this my favorite episode of the season, so far? I think it might be. There were a few people missing. Joelle isn't in it and Coco has an extremely brief appearance. Lionel and Sam play supporting roles. Troy, Gabe, and D'Unte get the spotlight.

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