Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Samurai Jack 4.01

XL: Samurai versus Ninja

Aku sends a ninja to kill Samurai Jack. The ninja is getting ready to strike when he is interrupted by a boy running from giant lobster-like robots. Jack, unaware of the ninja, stops to help the boy. He then follows the boy back to his village where he fights and destroys more giant lobster-like robots. The ninja follows Jack back to the village but remains hidden while Jack battles the robots.

There is some confusion as the village celebrates Jack's triumph over the giant lobster-like robots. The ninja kidnaps the boy. Jack goes after them. The trail leads him to a tall building. He searches the building, finds the boy tied up, and sets him free. Jack is attacked by the ninja, who has the upper hand at first.

Jack eventually realizes what he is up against. Jack knows the way of the ninja. He clads himself all in white and fights the ninja clad all in black. The fight is not short but Jack is victorious in the end.


The first half of the episode is mostly consumed by Jack fighting the giant lobster-like robots. The second half is taken up by the fight with the ninja. I love the way music was used in this episode which wasn't devoid of dialogue but there were lengthy stretches without it. The ninja does not speak at all. I love how the fight changed once Jack became a white ninja. Jack disappears in the light and the ninja disappears in the darkness. 

I must have seen this episode before but I don't recall this it. The premise of it sounds familiar but the visuals did not refresh my memory.

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