Friday, February 19, 2021

Justice League 2.09.B

Secret Society - Part 2

Flash tries to go it alone. He finds out where the Shade's hideout is from one of the villain's flunkies. He goes to the hideout only to discover Sinestro waiting for him. Sinestro attacks. Flash has the upper hand but the tide turns.

Flash calls Batman for help but when the Dark Knight arrives on the scene it seems that the Flash has the situation under control. Batman senses that something is wrong and attacks. The person who looks like the Flash turns out to be Clayface.

Green Lantern calls the others and asks them to meet him at their training area, in the desert. Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and Hawkgirl are the only ones who show up. They are wondering where the others are when the Secret Society attacks. The heroes try but they are outnumbered and aren't exactly working like a team.

The Secret Society takes them to Gotham stadium. They plan to dispose of the superheroes in front of the crowd that has gathered for a football game. They have the heroes in stasis tubes. Clayface is about the throw a switch to destroy the Justice League but instead he frees them. Clayface is actually Martian Manhunter in disguise.

The two teams fight again. This time the superheroes best the supervillains


This one ended quite abruptly. The heroes just walk off after the fight and then the credits roll. There is no scene of them turning the Secret Society over to the authorities or throwing them in prison.

There is an explanation for why the Justice League split up. It was Grodd's doing, in a way. He manipulated them, put them on edge without them knowing so that their worst traits and their doubts about their teammates came out.

This installment more than made up for the first one. The fight scenes were phenomenal and beautifully choreographed. If I thought about it a lot I could probably find some flaws in this one but there weren't enough inconsistencies to make me dislike it.

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