Monday, February 22, 2021

Doctor Who (1963) 14.05.01

The Robots of Death - Part 1

The TARDIS materializes inside of a sand mining craft. The Doctor and Leela get and out and go for a look around. They return to where the TARDIS was but it is gone. A door opens and robots emerge. They take the Doctor and Leela to a room within the mining ship.

The human crew of the mining ship is in the midst of chasing down a storm when Chubb, one of the crew, gets murdered in a remote part of the ship. He is killed by a robot. Poul, one of the other crew members, finds Chub. Mining operations are discontinued. The crew gets together to discuss what they know.

The Doctor and Leela are supposed to wait in the room where the robot left them but the Doctor has other ideas. He uses his sonic screwdriver to unlock the door. They go wandering about. Leela winds up in the store room where Chubb was killed. His body is still there under a tarp.

The Doctor finds the TARDIS. He doesn't realize until after he finds it that Leela is no longer with him. He starts to look for her when he finds a body. He goes to take a closer look at the body. The door to the room is locked behind him and the room starts to fill up with debris.


I love the moment where the Doctor explains to Leela how the TARDIS is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.

This is one of my favorite Doctor Who stories. I love the costumes, the story, and the characters. The crew members are each distinctive in look and personality.

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