Saturday, July 16, 2022

Orange Is the New Black 5.11

Breaking the Fiberboard Ceiling

The inmates in the bunker argue about it before finally deciding that something has to be done with Piscatella before he wakes up. They carry him to another room and tie him up. They also tie up Red when she starts to talk about torturing him.

Taystee continues to negotiate with Figueroa. Caputo is the only other one present. 

The inmates guarding the hostages change up their tactics to stay awake. They start slapping each other and snorting coffee grinds. 

Suzanne loses her cool when she realizes that Humphries is dead. Cindy pulls Taystee aside and tries to talk to her about Suzanne. Taystee listens but then tells Cindy she's just going to have to deal with it because she, Taystee, is too busy with negotiations.

Morello tells all the inmates who come for meds for psychiatric reasons that they are free and no longer need them. Cindy goes to the pharmacy to get meds for Suzanne. Morello refuses to give her what she needs so Cindy takes a bottle of Lithium and goes to find Suzanne. Morello reaches for a pregnancy test after Cindy leaves. She takes the test and it comes up positive.

Mendoza starts to execute her plan to free the guards. She starts to take them one by one to the porta-johns. She locks them in but then promises to help them break free. 

Boo leaves the bunker and returns to find Linda waiting for her. Linda is still freaked out about her encounter with Doggett. Boo gets them a private shower but while they have the bathroom to themselves she finds Linda's phone which has picture of her with Caputo. Boo later confronts Linda about the pictures. Linda is apologetic and promises to tell Boo everything.

Ruiz finds out about Mendoza's plan. She sympathizes with her. 

Suzanne loses her cool and starts to rip up the fiberboard ceiling. She says she wants to go to heaven. Cindy walks in with the Lithium, calms Suzanne down, and talks her into taking a dose.

Mendoza and the other inmates guarding the hostages get ready to take the last of the guards to the porta-johns. They get there only to discover that the hostages are gone and there is a hole in the fence.


Who cut the hole in the fence? Mendoza? Ruiz? Someone else? I'm not sure at this point. I don't see any evidence that makes it clear who did it.

I'm a little disappointed that Piscatella was unconscious for the entire episode. I was expecting and hoping for more on that front.

What is Boo going to do about Linda? Will Linda tell her the truth? Where will this subplot end?

There is no backstory flashback in this episode. There are some glimpses of what is going outside but not immediately outside, of Litchfield. There are a handful of scenes showing what the family of a few of the inmates are doing.

This episode is connective tissue and setup. It is getting things ready for the end of the season. It's better than the episodes that felt like fan service (talent show, trial) but it seems to lack an arc or a focus and for that reason I don't like it as much as the last two.

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