Monday, July 4, 2022

Doctor Who (1963) 11.01.02

The Time Warrior - Part Two

Sarah is taken to Irongron. He interrogates her but she doesn't tell him much. Hal, the archer who tried to kill Irongron in the previous episode, is brought in. Irongron interrogates him and then sends him off to be executed.

Linx comes in to show Irongron his latest invention, a mechanical armored warrior. Linx is curious about Sarah and uses a hypnotic ray to force her to tell him who she is and where she came from. She tells him about the Doctor. Linx and Irongron turn to focus on the mechanical man. Sarah regains consciousness and escapes while they are talking about the mechanical man. Sarah runs into the Doctor. He tries to talk to her but she runs away.

Irongron has Hal fight the mechanical man. The mechanical man is winning the fight when the Doctor interferes by shooting the control device with a bolt from a crossbow. Hal escapes with Sarah and they flee to the castle of his employer, Edward of Wessex.

The Doctor looks around Irongron's castle. He finds Professor Rubeish and the workshop where Linx has the men he abducted from the 20th century. Linx returns and forces the Doctor to work for him. The Doctor manages to escape, with some help from Rubeish, after Linx leaves the workshop.

Sarah and the archer return to Irongron's castle with a group of men. Their plan is to capture the Doctor and whisk him away to the other castle. The Doctor is about to get executed by Irongron himself when the episode ends.


The Doctor tells Linx that he is from Gallifrey and that he is a Time Lord. It is the first time that the name of his home planet and his race is mentioned.

Sarah is definitely the most interesting character in this story. I'm not sure where she got the idea that the Doctor is working for Irongron or Linx. I do like how independent she is in this story. She doesn't seem like the Doctor's companion. She seems like his co-star, his equal and not subordinate to him. 

This isn't great but I like this episode better than the previous one.

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