Monday, July 25, 2022

Doctor Who (1963) 11.01.X

Beginning the End: Making the Time Warrior (2007)

30 minutes

This making of documentary includes interviews with people who worked on the show behind the camera and in in front of it. These people are 

Barry Letts - Producer
Terrance Dicks - Script Editor
Keith Cheetham - Designer

Elizabeth Sladen - Sarah Jane Smith
Donald Pelmear - Professor Rubeish
Jeremy Bulloch - Hal the Archer

This was the first Doctor Who story in quite some time that was set in the past. The "historical" stories didn't draw big audiences. Writer Robert Holmes included an alien to help make the story more appealing.

Going into this season it was known that it was to be Jon Pertwee's final season on the show. It was his fifth season and he was ready to move on to other projects. 

A new companion was needed and Liz Sladen was hired to play Sarah Jane Smith. Barry Letts explains that it was her ability to convey fear and bravery at the same time that won her the job.

Bob Hoskins was originally cast to play Irongron but due to a schedule conflict he had to turn down the role.

Kevin Lindsay, who played Linx, was a real trooper. He was suffering from a heart condition which would eventually kill him. Despite his heart condition he did what was necessary to get the job done. He lived long enough to return and a different Sontaran in The Sontaran Experiment in the following season.

Edward of Wessex was played by Alan Rowe who had previously appeared in a 2nd Doctor story (The Moon Base) and later appeared in two 4th Doctor stories (Horror of Fang Rock, Full Circle).

Hal the Archer was played by Jeremy Bulloch who also appeared in The Space Museum (1st Doctor story). Some thought was given to adding him as one of the Doctor's companions.

Keith Cheetham talks about building the Sontaran space ship.

Barry Letts talks about the special effect used to blow up the castle.

Some of the details in this documentary were also revealed in the commentary stack. This, like most of the Doctor Who documentaries, is a fun watch.

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