Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Rick and Morty 5.04

Rickdependence Spray

Morty volunteers to work at his mother's veterinary hospital after he sees the device they use to collect horse semen. Rick is planning some revenge against the CHUDs (Cannibalistic Horse Underground Dwellers). He takes a barrel of horse semen from Beth's hospital with the plans of using it against the CHUDs. Something goes horribly wrong with Rick's plan and the world is beset by giant sperm. No one except Morty knows where they come from and he is too ashamed to reveal the truth.

Rick and the rest of the family is summoned by the President of the United States. Rick and Morty are sent to the Grand Canyon along with a commando unit to deal with the giant sperm. The commandos are all killed by the giant sperm. Rick and Morty are saved by CHUDs. Summer, Beth, and Jerry stay with the President. Summer comes up with a plan which one of the scientists claims as his own.

The government enlarges a human egg and transports it to Las Vegas. The sperms attack Las Vegas. The egg came from Summer. Morty finally owns up to the fact that the sperm came from him. the government troops, Beth, Summer, Rick, and Morty all work to try and prevent any of the sperm from reaching the egg and creating a giant incest baby.


This was a little over the top. I laughed a few times but this felt a little too much like pandering to the audience. It was not as intelligent an episode as I would have liked it to be. Very surface level.

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