Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Cobra Kai 1.04

Cobra Kai Never Dies

Johnny gets drunk and defaces one of Danny's billboards. Miguel's mother forbids him from taking lessons with Johnny after she sees what happened to her son. Sam continues to hold a grudge against her father for showing up at the dance. The object of her anger shifts to Kyler after she sees him bullying Miguel and his friends.

Robby, Johnny's son, gets into trouble again. Johnny tries to act resposible but Robby won't listen to him. Robby's mother won't listen either. Johnny begs Carmen to give him another chance as Miguel's teacher. She gives in and Johnny finds out just as he is about to shut down the dojo.


I laughed a few times during this episode but I thought that on the whole it was kind of ridiculous. There is little to no subtlety. It felt very melodramatic. I'm going to continue to watch but I was not terribly thrilled with this episode.

I was interested to see that there is some sort of commentary on Danny's thing for bonsai trees. It wasn't out there in the open but someone pokes fun at his obsession with the little trees. That can be read more than one way but one interpretation could be that Danny needs to stop fetishizing Japanese or Okinawan culture.

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