Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Doctor Who (1963) 1.01.04

The Firemaker

The Docotor, Susan, Ian, and Barbara are recaptured and taken back to the tribe's home. The Doctor and Ian lead a rebellion against Kal who tries to take over while Za is unconscious. Kal is driven from the home of the cave people.

Za assumes command and has the strangers put back in the Cave of Skulls. A guard is placed at the rear entrance so they cannot escape that way. Ian makes fire. Za shows up just in time to see the fire begin to burn. He takes the fire and shows it to the tribe. They are impressed. They do not let the Doctor and the others go.

Susan and Ian come up with a plan. They place four skulls on burning sticks of wood. When the tribe enters the cave they are scared of the burning skulls. The Doctor, Ian, Susan, and Barbara escape while the tribe is looking in awe at the burning skulls. Eventually the tribe realizes that they have been tricked and go after the strangers.

The Doctor and the others escape in the TARDIS. They land somewhere and somewhen else. The Doctor, much to Ian and Barbara's dismay, isn't sure where they are.


There is a commentary track for this episode. Gary Russell moderates a talk with Waris Hussein (director), William Russell (Ian), and Carole Ann Ford (Susan).  The focus of the conversation is mostly on this story. They talk about 
  • playing it straight
  • getting dirty
  • sound effect for the killing scene
  • getting used to working together
This episode was fairly predictable. I wasn't surprised by any of the turns that the story took even if I didn't foresee them all. I think this episode works well enough as a concluding chapter to the first story. I'm happy I watched this story but I wasn't terribly impressed.

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