Friday, August 5, 2022

Orange Is the New Black 5.13

Storm-y Weather

Correctional officers in riot gear break into Litchfield and start to secure the building and the inmates. Some inmates fight back. Some do not. Some of the inmates in the bunker decide to leave. Berlin, Red, Flores, Chapman, and Vause are the ones who decide to stay put in the bunker.

A few other prisoners eventually join them in the bunker. Mendoza is one of them. She manages to get though to her mother, before she heads to the bunker, who lets her know that her son is going to be all right.

Leanne and Angie set most of the records they find on fire before they are apprehended.

Taystee and Cindy take Suzanne to the pharmacy in the hopes of getting her something that will wake her up. They don't find anything useful but Nichols leads them to the bunker where they use an EpiPen to wake her up.

Chang finds the hole in the fence and takes off.

Linda tries to tell the COs that she isn't a prisoner but no one believes her.

Ruiz gets a moment with her daughter and her husband.

Doggett stays holed up at Coates' house. He eventually comes back. They sit down and watch TV together.

Taystee almost kills Piscatella when she sees him. He is still restrained and she has a gun but she can't bring herself to do it. Red decides to free Piscatella and tells him to get out of there.

The commander of the guards reports in that there are still 10 inmates missing. Caputo and Figueroa assume that they must be in the old abandoned pool. The guards head back in to find the remaining prisoners. They see a figure moving. One of the guards shoots at the person, killing them. It is Piscatella.

Buses are brought in to take the recaptured inmates away.

The episode ends with 10 inmates in the bunker waiting for the guards to break in.


This episode is all action. There is no backstory flashback. I could go into more details but I don't really see the point. There are other little moments that I didn't mention. None of the characters who dropped out of the show prior to this episode (Daya, Aleida, Judy King, Bursett, etc.)  are seen in this episode.

There are two prisoners (Chang, Doggett) who escaped Litchfield. It is unclear what will happen to them. It is also unclear what is going to happen to all the recaptured prisoners. Where are they going to be taken. Presumably they will wind up at other prisons but they probably won't all be taken to the same prison.

I guess the end to this season is similar to the last one in that there is a cliffhanger. I don't see any of the inmates in the bunker getting killed but it is possible. 

I enjoyed this season more than I thought I would. It was good but not great. I'm interested in watching the next season but I will be taking a break that will probably last several months, maybe a year, before I come back for the season six.

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