Monday, December 12, 2022

Doctor Who (1963) 11.02.05

Invasion of the Dinosaurs - Part Five

General Finch has the Doctor arrested. The Doctor and the Brigadier learn that Captain Yates is the traitor in UNIT's ranks. It isn't long before the Doctor escapes with some help from Sgt Benton, who stays behind.

Sarah Jane puts her own escape plan into motion. She explores and learns that what they are on is not a spaceship. She leaves the "spaceship" and escapes back to UNIT command post. Hardly anyone is there. Most people are out searching for the Doctor.

The Doctor leads the soldiers on a wild chase into a wooded area. He eventually gets the upper hand and loses the soldiers.

General Finch finds Sarah Jane while she is writing a note for the Doctor. She tries to tell him about what she has discovered, unaware of his role in the minister's plot. She leads him there only to discover her mistake.

The Doctor drives back into London just as more dinosaurs are brought forward from the past.


Things are starting to wind down. The dinosaurs have not grown on me. They still don't look good. Sarah Jane continues to have her own adventure separate from the Doctor. The commentary on this episode is once again with Toby Hadoke and Paddy Russell (as it was with episodes 1 and 4). Their conversation only rarely touches on Doctor Who. This episode ends once again with the Doctor getting threatened by a dinosaur. I believe that happened in 4 of the first 5 episodes.

This is an okay watch, not terrible but not great either. I'm enjoying it but I can be a bit forgiving.

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