Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Paranoia Agent 1.12

Radar Man

Maniwa fights with Shonen Bat. Maniwa eventually comes to realize that he can't win the way he is fighting Shonen Bat but he doesn't know what the answer is. He goes to see Ikari but he isn't home. Ikari's wife is there. She gives him the clue he needs. It leads him to the understanding that there is some connection between Maromi and Shonen Bat. Maromi is modeled after a dog that Tsukiko has when she was a child. Maniwai learns that ten years ago she was attacked by someone with a bat but her attacker was never found.

Maniwa visits Tsukiko's childhood home and talks to her father. He finds the bat that her father says he told her he would use to protect her after she was attacked 10 years before. 

Shonen Bat kills Tsukiko's manager after he threatens her. Her manager had been pressing her to come up with another character like she did Maromi but so far she has produced nothing. Shonen Bat shows up and kills her manager after he threatens her.

Ikari spends most of the episode in a very primitive looking space that he entered towards the end of the previous episode.

Maniwa returns with the bat from Tsukiko's childhood home. It proves to be a more effective weapon against Shonen Bat.

Ikari's wife has a hear attack and is taken to a hospital.

I can't explain it all. I don't know what it all means. There are other little things in this episode that I didn't mention. I have no idea what to make of all the little things that seem to happen in the margin. Are they just just there to add to the atmosphere or should they be taken more seriously than that?  I don't know if Satoshi Kon knew what it all means.

Are Shonen Bat and Maromi one and the same? I doubt it. It could be that Shonen Bat is young Tsukiko's childhood recollection of the person who attacked her and possibly killed her pet, Maromi.

There is just one more episode in this series/show. It will not wrap things up neatly. I'm not sure what else to expect.

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