Friday, June 14, 2024

Un Village Français 4.09

Baisers volés
or Stolen Kisses

11 Nov 1942

Marcel doesn't know what to say at first when he sees Suzanne. He insists that she is innocent. The party leader says that the matter will have to wait until the evening and places Edmond in charge until then. Marcel and Suzanne are separated but later aloud to spend some time together.

Vernet stops by Marie's farm to warn her that the police and the Germans are searching for Vincent and the radio. He doesn't stay long. Marie and Vincent take advantage of being alone while Raoul is out running an errand to indulge themselves.

Marchetti, Loriot, and another plain clothes policeman stake out the park where Eliane is waiting for Raoul. They aren't sure if he will show but he does. They follow him to Crémieux's farm but keep their distance.

Hortense has her exhibition of her art work. An Italian art dealer comes and buys all of her paintings. Müller also comes to the exhibit. Hortense later find out that the art buyer was working for Müller. He only did it to get close to her. She finally agrees to have dinner with him but only if it is just dinner.

Marie and Vincent go out looking for Raoul when he doesn't return on time. They spot a large movement of German forces. Vincent decides that he must sent this news to his contact back in London. They give up looking for Raoul and return to the farm.

Marchetti tells Rita part of the truth. He talked to Servier and he doesn't know if her mother will ever return. She doesn't want to know anymore. She's sad about her mother but happy that she has Marchetti.

The party leader returns. They start to discuss what to do about Marcel and Suzanne but before the meeting can get very far German troops show up. Marcel, Suzanne, Sarah, and the others escape out the back and into the woods. The proceedings that began at the house are tabled. Sarah is forced to leave. Edmond is left in charge.

The episode ends with Marchetti, Loriot, and the other policeman arresting Cremiux. 


Once again, Raymond Schwartz, Jeanine Schwartz, Chassagne, Jules Bériot, and Lucienne don't make an appearance or play any sort of role. Raymond and Jeanine are mentioned once when Hortense is talking to Daniel but that's the extent of their involvement in this episode.

Raoul seems to catch on to the fact that his mother has a thing going with Vincent. Raoul doesn't seem happy about it. He still holds his father in high regard. He doesn't know that it was his mother who killed him.

Müller clearly wants more than just dinner with Hortense. I figured out pretty quickly that the art dealer was working for Müller. How long will it be before he gets what he wants?

It doesn't look good for Crémieux. I don't see how he's going to get out of this one alive.

This was an okay episode. It wasn't bad but it wasn't great. I didn't feel that there were any great character moments and the plot seems to be in a bit of a holding pattern.

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