Thursday, June 20, 2024

Doctor Who (1963) 5.01.03

The Tomb of the Cybermen - Episode 3

The Cybermen take charge inside the crypt. They announce their plans to freeze some of the humans until they are ready to be converted. They advance on the Doctor, Jamie and the others. The Doctor and Professor Parry are quickly captured. Jamie tries to escape but the exit to the crypt is closed and the Cybermen eventually capture him too.

Victoria gets Captain Hopper and one of the crewmen (Callum) who were trying to repair the spaceship. Callum figures out how to open the entrance to the crypt. Kaftan attempts to prevent them from opening it but they overwhelm her. The entrance to the crypt is opened.

Hopper descends into the crypt. He uses smoke bombs to distract the Cybermen. Everyone escapes except Toberman. They close the door to the crypt. Klieg and Kaftan are judged to be untrustworthy and placed in another room. Kaftan finds one of the guns that the Cybermen use. She and Klieg figure out how to use it.

The Cybermen are trapped in the crypt. They send Cybermats through small tunnels in the tomb. They emerge in the control room and try to attack the humans but the Doctor figures out how to deal with them. Everything seems to be under control when Klieg shows up with the Cyberman's gun and points it at the Doctor.


It was a little odd how no one seemed to show any concern for Toberman. He was the only one who didn't escape from the crypt. He was working for Klieg and Kaftan but he it human. Why didn't they at least discuss going back to save him? Did they think he was dead?

This was good. the Cybermen and the Cybermats are truly creepy even if there is a clunky aspect to their appearances. The indifference to the fate of Toberman is distressing. I'm not sure how they are going to wrap everything up in just one episode. I'm pretty sure that there will be more killing in the next episode although curiously there weren't any deaths in this episode.

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