Sunday, June 2, 2024

Slaying the Dragon: Reloaded (2011)

Slaying the Dragon: Reloaded (2011)

directed by Elaine Kim

29 minutes

This is a follow up to the similarly named 1988 documentary. It examines the way that Asian and Asian American women have been portrayed in American cinema, music videos, and on YouTube. There are some examples of positive portrayals but Asian and Asian American women were still in 2011 overwhelmingly playing characters who need rescuing or overly sexualized in most media.

This documentary does present the subject matter chronologically. John Cho was the only person interviewed whom I recognized. I did add a few movies to my list of things to watch in the months ahead based on this documentary.

Elaine Kim produced Slaying the Dragon (1988) but did not direct it. She directed and produced this one.

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