Saturday, June 22, 2024

Tokyo Godfathers (2003)

Tokyo Godfathers (2003)

starring Aya Okamoto, Yoshiaki Umegaki, Tohru Emori
directed by Satoshi Kon

92 minutes

Japanese with English subtitles

Three homeless people (Miyuki, Hana, Gin) find a crying baby, on Christmas Eve in a pile of garbage. They spend the next couple days trying to track down the parents. Their quest takes them on quite a journey through Tokyo as they use what clues they have to figure out who the baby's parents are and where they live.

Miyuki (Aya Okamoto) is a young woman who fled from her parents home after she stabbed her father. He survived the incident but she fears how she will be treated if she returns, in part because her father is a police officer.

Hana (Yoshiaki Umegaki) is a drag queen who abandoned her her friends after her boyfriend died suddenly.

Gin (Tohru Emori) is a middle aged man who abandoned his wife and daughter after wracking up huge gambling debts. He has not seen them in years and has no idea if they are still alive.


I could have done without the homophobic slurs that came out Gin's mouth and were directed towards Hana. Most of them happened during the first half of the movie.

I was sucked in early on and did not want to stop watching. It was a wild ride which I thoroughly enjoyed. The story got a little out of control the further it went and had at least one false ending but that didn't bother me very much.

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