Friday, June 21, 2024

Un Village Français 4.10

Des nouvelles d'Anna
or News from Anna

12 Nov 1942

Madme Morhange returns but she is very sick. She is brought to Daniel's home. He has her put in a bedroom and looks after her. She has two letters with her. One is from Rita's mother. The other is from Anna Crémieux. 

Marchetti takes a couple stabs at interrogating Albert Crémieux but he doesn't get anywhere. He goes to see Daniel, after learning from Servier that Daniel wants to see him. He takes the letters he finds there. One of his men forges a fake letter from Anna Crémieux. It is enough to fool Albert. He gives up everyone except Bériot who he says is soft and not involved in the Resistance.

Marchetti also reads the letter from Rita's mother. She warns Rita in the letter to not trust Marchetti. He tears up the letter and doesn't give it to Rita.

Hortense dines with Müller. He tells her about killing people en masse on the Eastern Front. She walks out on him. She goes home and gets into bed with Daniel, for the first time in months. Sarah shows up the next morning and quickly catches on to how things have changed.

The Communist and the Gaullist resistance groups have a meeting at the school.  Marie is accompanied by Bériot and Vernet, the policeman. The two groups agree to work together and by the end of the meeting Marcel is back in charge of the Communist cell.

Marchetti turns over the information he has obtained from Crémieux to Servier who promises to reward Marchetti. Servier is surprised when Marchetti says he wants to marry Rita, before Christmas. Servier was ready to get him a good job in Paris.

Rita goes to see Dr. Larcher. She has bled a little bit. He gives her a prescription and reassures her that everything is going to be ok. The episode ends with him asking her about the letter she received from her mother.


Still no sign of Raymond, Jeanine or Chassagne for the third consecutive episode.

I was really hoping that Hortense would throw up, in the restaurant, when Müller told her about slaughtering innocent people. Listening to his story made me feel a bit nausecous.

Things are not going to end well for the Resistance. The French police have them in their sights.

I wasn't surprised when Sarah showed up. It seemed like the appropriate thing to happen at that point. I don't think that it is going to end well for Sarah.

Madame Morhange is probably going to die soon, by the end of the season at the latest.

Marie and her pals still don't know that Crémieux has been captured.

This was a fairly dark episode. I don't expect things to get much better or any better over the last two episodes in the season. It's well made but not easy to watch.

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