Friday, June 7, 2024

Un Village Français 4.08

Tel est pris qui croyait prendre
or He Is Caught Who Thinks to Catch

10 Nov 1942

Marie and Vincent arrive at the farm where Vincent's partner, who killed himself using the cyanide pill, was hiding. There they meet Vernet, a policeman who works for Marchetti but who is also working for the Resistance.

Daniel and Marcel Larcher argue about a few things. Marcel lets Sarah stay although she will have to hide while Marcel and his communist friends have meetings.

Marchetti asks Rita if she would like to keep the baby and get married. It makes her very happy and she says yes. She also asks him about her mother. He still doesn't have anything (honest) to tell her but he promises to ask Servier about it.

Müller applies more pressure on Marchetti to find the radio that is transmitting in the area. Müller sends flowers to Hortense. She returns the flowers. She tells him, when he confronts her, that its over between them and she has no interest in him anymore.

Vincent tries transmitting but the radio is broken. Raoul, Marie's teenage son, comes up with a plan to get a replacement part for the broken piece of the radio. He gets the replacement part from Eliane, the daughter of the owner of a hardware store. The broken part is put in the box that the replacement part was in and winds up being sold to a policeman. Eliane is brought in for questioning by the police and tells them what she knows, after they start applying pressure.

Marchetti suspects that Vernet is working for the Resistance. He tells Loriot about his suspicions. Marchetti sends Vernet off to Serrigny to work on a case while he and the others search for the radio that is transmitting in the area of Villeneuve. 

Marchetti meets with Servier. He wants an address where Rita can write to her mother. Servier doesn't give Marchetti a straight answer except to tell him that he can't help him.

The communists have their meeting. Edmond, who used to be in charge and was recently replaced by Marcel, brings Suzanne to the meeting. She is supposed to be dead, killed by Marcel towards the end of the previous season. Marcel is stunned to see her.


Jules and Lucienne, Raymond and Jeanine Schwartz, and Chassagne are not in this episode.

I guess I was wrong about the radio operator. He seems to be on the level and part of the Resistance. I guess that was just a bit of misdirection on the part of the writers. 

Maybe Vernet is the one who helped the Resistance fighter get to his cyanide pill in the previous episode.

There are a lot of things brewing here. There's the Resistance, Marcel and his communist pals, Muller is back eager to resume his relationship with Hortense, and Marchetti is still carrying on his relationship with Rita. I'm not sure how to feel about this episode. I see potential but that doesn't mean that the rest of the season is necessarily going to be to my liking.

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