Monday, June 17, 2024

Wonder Woman 1.05

The Feminum Mystique - Part 2

Captain Radl tricks Drusilla, whom he thinks is Wonder Woman, into revealing the location of Paradise Island. It is there and only there that Feminum, the metal from which her bracelets were forged, can be found.

Diana hears that the Nazis are operating in Florida and fears that Paradise Island may be in danger. Steve gives her leave to return home. She gets there in time to warn Queen Hippolyta, her mother about a possible invasion by the Nazis.

Wonder Woman organizes a team of Amazons to defend the Feminum mine. The Nazis, led by Captain Radl, attack and take over the mine. Wonder Woman and the other Amazons do as the Nazis say for fear that Queen Hippolya will be harmed if they don't.

Drusilla escapes and warns Steve about Peter Knight. Steve doesn't believe her but then he tricks Peter into revealing that he is working for the Nazis.

Wonfer Woman, Drusilla, and the other Amazons come up with a plan and overcome the Nazis. Wonder Woman and Drusilla return to the United States and get there just in time to prevent the Nazis from stealing the replacement XPJ1.


There's potential here. I like how they got as far as having Nazis invade Paradise Island. The problem is that it is all felt kind of slapped together. It was kind of flimsy.

How is it that Radl and Knight couldn't tell the difference between Drusilla and Wonder Woman? They look different and their costumes were different. Are they that stupid?

This wasn't a very deep episode. I wasn't very impressed by it. I love Carolyn Jones in the Addams Family but she seemed out of place playing Queen Hippolyta. I did like John Saxon in this one although his showdown with Queen Hippolyta towards the end of the episode was kind of ridiculous. This could have been better and ultimately was kind of disappointing.

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