Saturday, June 29, 2024

Batman Beyond 3.01

King's Ransom

The Royal Flush Gang are in the process of robbing an art museum when Batman shows up. They get away with the goods but Batman captures Jack. Batman is left wondering for whom the gang stole the piece of art. Jack isn't willing to talk. The Royal Flush Gang's client turns out to be Paxton Powers. He short pays them which leads them to capture him and ransom him.

Terry and Bruce retrieve another stolen piece of art from Paxton's private collection. Bruce meets with the Royal Flush Gang to deliver the ransom. King has (by this time) made a deal with Powers. He promises to pay them even more if they will just kill Bruce Wayne. Batman is Bruce's backup but he gets tied up in a fight with Ace of the Royal Flush Gang.

Bruce is forced to fend for himself against King and Queen. He gets some help from Ace the bat hound. Eventually Batman defeats Ace of the Royal Flush Gang. King and Queen escape but separately. Powers turns out to have been betrayed by Sable Thorpe, his personal assistant. She was working for King all along. She was also having a fling with King which Queen does not take well.

The episode ends with Melanie (Ten) bailing Jack (her brother) out of prison.


I assume that King and Queen are behind bars at the end of the episode but nothing is made clear. This is the final appearance of the Royal Flush Gang in Batman Beyond, according to my research.

Paxton Powers previously appeared in Ascension, the final episode of the first season of Batman Beyond. This is his final appearance according to my research. This is the one and only appearance of Sable Thorpe.

It is revealed in this episode that the previous King was the father of the current Queen.

This episode was deliciously more complex than I was anticipating. I have seen it before but it has been several years since I last watched it. The only disappointing thing is that there won't be any follow up to some of the developments in this episode.

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