Monday, June 3, 2024

Wonder Woman 1.04

The Feminum Mystique - Part 1

June 1942 - Major Steve Trevor and Yeoman Diana Prince visit Aldrich Field in Virginia. Steve is planning to test fly the XPJ1, a new experimental jet plane. Nazi agents strike the base before Steve can get in the jet plane. One of the Nazi agents flies off in the plane. Steve calls General Blankenship who executes Code Z which detonates explosives that are aboard the XPJ1, before it gets very far. 

The pilot who stole the XPJ1 bails out before the jet plane explodes. He is picked up by a German submarine and returns to Germany. There a new plan is hatched to find out about Wonder Woman and her bullet deflecting bracelets.

The Americans make plans to assemble another XPJ1. Queen Hippolyta sends Drusilla, Diana's sister, to the United States to fetch her. Diana invites Steve and Peter Knight, the engineer who assembled the XPJ1, over for dinner at her place. Drusilla joins them. Steve tells Peter about the plans.

Captain Radl, one of the Nazis who attacked Aldrich Field, meets up with Peter who tells him all about the dinner meeting with Major Trevor. 

Drusilla tries going out by herself but everyone thinks she looks strange dressed in the clothes that she normally wears on Paradise Island. Drusilla talks to her sister about it and Diana agrees to get her some new clothes. General Blankenship agrees to look after Drusilla while Steve and Diana get some work done. General Blankenship is taking Drusilla to see Mount Vernon when another car blocks their way and General Blankenship is kidnapped by General Radl and a Nazi Park Ranger.

Drusilla goes looking for help. When she can't seem to get in touch with the War Department so she goes looking for General Blankenship and the Nazis who kidnapped him. She transforms into Wonder Girl before she gets to the ranger station where Captain Radl, the Nazi Park Ranger, and a couple other thugs are holding General Blankenship.

Drusilla barges in and tries to rescue General Blankenship but Captain Radl catches her by surprise. He doses her with chloroform which knocks her out. She wakes up in a jail cell, Captain Radl has his doubts about Drusilla, whom he thinks is Wonder Woman. He decides to test his theory by shooting at her to see if she can deflect the bullets with her bracelets.


John Saxon played the part of Captain Radl. I know him best from Enter the Dragon (1973) but I have probably seen him in a few other things.

Deborah Winger played the part of Drusilla. She was 21 when this episode was made but is playing a character who is supposed to be a teenager. The only other things that I think I have seen her in is An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) and Black Widow (1987).

Carolyn Jones played the part of Queen Hippolyta. I know her best as Morticia Addams from the 1960s Addams Family TV show. 

This episode was much better than the previous one but this still is kind of silly. At least the supporting cast get more of a chance to shine and take advantage of those opportunities.

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