Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Doctor Who (1963) 5.01.02

The Tomb of the Cybermen - Episode 2

One man is dead, shot in the back by what looked like a Cybermen that was in front of him. The others are perplexed but the Doctor solves the mystery. Professor Parry decides he's seen enough and says that they will be leaving soon. Some members of the expedition object. Professor's plan to leave gets scuttled when it is discovered that someone has sabotaged the spaceship.

The captain of the spaceship says it will take 7 hours to repair the ship. He asks most members of the expedition to stay in the tomb while he and his crew repair the ship. They decide to explore the tomb a little more. Klieg finds the right combination that opens door to the crypt. All of the men descend into tomb to explore. They find the Cybermen frozen inside of the tomb.

Klieg manipulates the controls they find inside the tomb. The Cybermen they find start to come to life. Viner tries to reverse what Klieg did. Klieg kills him. Once the Cybermen are warmed up, they burst free from their sleeping chambers. Klieg tries to explain to the Cybermen what he's done and what he expects of them but they pay him no heed.


There is a lot more going on in this episode than what I just described but I think I captured the gist of it. Kaftan and Klieg do not have the expedition's best interest in mind. They have their own plans and it involves awakening the Cybermen.

Toby Hadoke once again moderates the second commentary track but this time he is joined by Shirley Cooklin (Kaftan), Deborah Watling (Victoria), and Frazer Hines (Jamie).

Michael Kilgariff plays the part of the Cyber Controller, the chief Cyberman. Several years later he played the part of K-1, the robot from Robot.

The Cybermen look very primitive compared to how they will look when the 4th Doctor and his subsequent incarnations encounter them.

I'm a bit surprised that the Doctor and his companions don't play a bigger role in this story than they have so far. I don't mind it at all. Many different characters get moments to shine. I like it. I can see why it gets high marks from many fans of the show.

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