Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Doctor Who (1963) 5.01.01

The Tomb of the Cybermen - Episode 1

The Doctor, Jamie, and Victoria land on the planet Tellos. They soon discover that they are not alone. There is an archaeological team nearby. They are searching for the tombs of the Cybermen. They found something just before the Doctor and his companions showed up.

The archaeological team was attempting to open a couple of doors on the side of a hill that they found. One member of the team was killed when he tried touching the doors. The Doctor determines that the doors should be safe to touch now. Once they have entered the tomb they start to explore. The group splits up.

The Doctor stays behind with Klieg and Professor Parry. Klieg tries to figure out how to open up what they think must be the burial chamber. The Doctor gives him some suggestions but Klieg is unable to get it open.

Victoria goes with Kaftan, one of the people bankrolling the expedition, and Viner, one of the scientists. Victoria gets trapped in a revitalization chamber, thanks to her own curiosity and Kaftan's experimenting with a control panel.

Jamie and another member of the archaeological explore a different part of the structure. They find a wall that projects a hypnotic pattern and a small metallic creature. 

The Doctor manages to figure out the right controls to flip in the right order and is able to free Victoria from the revitalization chamber.

Jamie and his new friend continue to experiment with the controls until a Cyberman appears and shoots Jamie's new friend.


There are two commentary tracks. Frazer Hines (Jamie) and Deborah Watling (Victoria) are on the first commentary track. It was recorded in 2001. Toby Hadoke (moderator), Bernard Holley (Peter Haydon), and Victor Pemberton (script editor) are on the second commentary track but the latter two are just on for this episode. I think I preferred the second commentary track even though they didn't spend a lot of time talking about the story itself or the making of it.

This is the first Cyberman story that I have watched since I returned to Doctor Who, three and a half years ago.

Kaftan seemed to show no concern for Victoria's well being when she got trapped in the revitalization chamber. It is almost as if Kaftan wanted that to happen.

This is a pretty good start. I like the set up.

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