Thursday, November 7, 2024

Dan Da Dan 1.03

It's a Granny vs Granny Clash!

Seiko Ayase, Momo's grandmother, returns home. She locks up Okarun so that he can't harm them. Momo tells her grandmother about what happened and how Okarun had a curse placed on him. Seiko tells them about what they will have to do to rid Okarun of the curse. She also explains to them that they will need to train in order to get strong enough to deal with Turbo Granny.


I'm not so sure about this show. I've read ahead in the descriptions of the manga and it does not sound like my cup of tea. UI don't think I am going to watch any more. I think that if I were a teenager I might be eating this up with a spoon but at my age it isn't quite the same.

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