2010 - Omaha, NE - Gene takes some time off from work. Someone recognized him. He calls the disappearer, who helped him relocate from Albuquerque to Omaha. He asks for help. The disappearer says okay and quotes him a price. Gene agrees to the price but moments later he changes his mind and cancels the request. He tells the disappearer that he will deal with it himself.
2004 - Albuquerque, NM - Jimmy makes it official. He gets the paper work filed to allow him to practice law under the name Saul Goodman. Kim tries to talk him out of doing it but he insists on doing it. Later, he hands out free burner phones to people that used to buy them from him. He gives away all the phones he has.
Lalo questions Nacho about Werner Ziegler. Nacho has no idea who Werner is and honestly tells him that. Lalo asks him if he knows who Michael is. Nacho lies and tells him no. Lalo finds out from Nacho that there is something up with the product they've been getting. Lalo insists on learning more.
Lalo and Nacho visit one of the points of sale. He inspects the product and verifies that something is up. Lalo goes to see Gus. Juan Bolsa is also there. Gus explains that he had a problem with a German construction worker, Werner Ziegler. He explains that Ziegler stole some product. Gus had the man dealt with and then replaced the stolen product with something inferior.
Lalo asks to see the construction site. Gus shows him a construction project but not the one where Werner worked. Mike is there. Lalo asks to meet him. Mike breaks away from the construction site very briefly to meet Lalo.
Mike sends the construction workers (whom Werner hired) home. He warns them to keep their mouths shut and that there will be consequences if they do not. Gus later asks him about how it went. Mike tells him and then asks about Werner's widow. Gus tells him that she was compensated for her loss.
Kim is having trouble with a client, a young man. She got him a great deal but he wants to take the case to trial. She is unable to convince him otherwise until she lies to him and tells him that the DA is planning to pull the plea deal because new evidence has been found. The young man changes his mind. Kim says she'll see what she can do to get the DA to not withdraw the plea offer.
Robert Forster plays the part of the disappearer, as he did in Breaking Bad and El Camino (2019). His scene was shot when he was making El Camino. Forster died the same day that El Camino was released.
I think that Gus is playing with Lalo. I think its all a set up. Nacho is in on it. That's what I think. I know he wants Lalo out of the picture. I'm not sure how he's going to do it. I'm sure that it will be something devious.
I'm not sure what to think of Kim at the end of this episode. Is she kicking herself for doing what she did? I don't know.
This is a good start to the season. It's pretty clear that they are moving towards a showdown between Gus and Lalo. Will Nacho get caught in the crossfire? Maybe. I think that's a sacrifice that Gus is willing to make. I'm guessing that Jimmy's new law practice will grow but I'm not sure what else will happen with that part of the show.
I'm uncertain as to what will happen to Jimmy and Kim's relationship over the course of the season. What about Mike? What will his journey be during this season? Will Howard show up in this season? Possibly but probably not very frequently.
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