Sunday, February 16, 2020

Mr. Inbetween 1.03

Captain Obvious

Ray visits Gary in the hospital. Gary has come out of the coma. They have a chat about what Ray did to the guys who almost killed Gary.

Ray gets in trouble with his ex-wife for telling their daughter that he isn't sure if Jesus is real but that unicorns are real. He gets in trouble with his boss because the guys Ray beat up work for a relative of his boss's brother-in-law.

Ray goes to a group therapy session for guys who have anger management issues. It is part of an arrangement he made after he was arrested for beating a guy up. He almost gets kicked out of the session when he laughs at the fact that everyone seems to be there for beating up their wife or kids.

Ray goes shopping with Ally for lingerie. Their shopping trip gets interrupted by a text from Gary. He's at home but Vasilli, his brother-in-law, is trying to rob him. Gary stalls for time. Ray gets there in time to prevent Vasilli from getting away with the contents of Gary's safe. Gary's had about enough of Vasilli and shoots him.

Gary and Ray are getting ready to dispose of the body when Tatiana, Gary's wife, shows up. Gary manages to distract her from what is going on downstairs with the body of her brother until Ray attempts to chop the body up. Vasilli isn't dead and comes running upstairs screaming with a big cut in his arm. Gary explains to Tatiana what's going on. She goes off on her brother.


I'm still enjoying the show but it isn't a homerun. I like the dark humor in this episode, especially surrounding Gary and Ray's argument over what to do with Vasilli's body when they think that he's dead.

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