Sunday, February 23, 2020

Nurse Jackie 1.04

School Nurse

A 10-year-old kid is brought in to the hospital after falling while playing on piece of equipment in  playground. One of his lungs collapsed but Dr. O'Hara gets the lung drained. The kid survives. Justin, his twin brother, is very thankful and hugs Dr. O'Hara very tightly. She doesn't know what to do. She looks around but Jackie is nowhere to be found.

Jackie has been summoned to the elementary where Grace and Fiona go to school. Grace's teacher is concerned about her drawings. They are in black-and-white and don't display the optimism that her teacher is used to seeing. Jackie and Kevin meet with Grace's teacher, a social worker, and the school nurse. The school nurse recommends that Jackie and Kevin consider medicating Grace. Jackie gets angry and has words with the nurse.

Eddie is horny. He texts Jackie twice while she is meeting with Grace's teacher to let her know how he's feeling. Jackie buys a new phone and let's Eddie know that his messages did nothing for her interest in him. She also gives him the new number and asks him to use that one instead of the other.

Mohammed reveals to Zoey that he is a twin but his brother died when they were just a year old.

Zoey has a patient die while under her care. It is the first time that has happened.


Does Eddie know that Jackie is married? I can't see the two-phone situation ending well. I'm not sure what the right answer is. Stop shtupping Eddie? That might lead to other problems.

Jackie is right to get angry about the intervention. Kids change. She probably needs to pay closer attention to Grace but medicating her daughter is not the right answer.

I like this episode but I'm still not completely won over buy this show. I need to see more. I'm willing to watch more.

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