Sunday, February 16, 2020

Star Wars (1977)

aka Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

directed by George Lucas
starring Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford

For a summary of the movie please see my previous posting about the 1997 reissue.

This version, the original version of the movie is far superior. The changes made for 1997 reissue don't change the story significantly. Special effects were added or cleaned up. Scenes left out of the original version were added back in.

I prefer this version even though the special effects are very of their day. It feels like a movie made in 1977. The special effects that were added in 1997 felt out of place and look dated by today's standards.

The DVD set that I bought includes both versions. The disc that has the original version would not play in my archaic DVD player but I was able to get it to work on my desktop computer. One thing about it that I didn't like is that even though it is widescreen is is letterboxed. I had to increase the magnification in order to get it to fill most of my widescreen computer monitor.

I'm not sure why seeing the movie in it's original form makes such a big difference to me but it does. This was my first time seeing the original version since probably the mid-1990s, before the 1997 update was released. It was wonderful. I plan to buy and watch Empire Strikes Back soon. I have never seen the re-issues of Empire and Jedi from the late 1990s.

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