Saturday, February 8, 2020

Orange Is the New Black 3.04

Finger in the Dyke

Boo finds out from Doggett that she gets money from pro-life church goers who think she's there because believes in their cause and acted on that belief. Boo decides that she should try and run that scam. Boo gets her hair done to make her look less butch and gets ready to meet with the leader of the pro-life group.

Boo gets the backstory spotlight. She did not get along with her mother who is now dead. Her father tolerated but didn't care for her. Once she got old enough she moved out and didn't come back. Her mother got deathly sick. Boo went to visit her in the hospital before she died but her father stopped her from seeing her.

Red and Healy cross paths a few times. He thanks her for helping out with his marital problems. He also brings her seeds for roses for her garden. He's acting suspiciously nice to her. She knows it and it bothers her.

Bennett still has not returned. He's been gone for over 2 weeks. It is driving Daya crazy. She tries talking to Caputo but she catches him at a bad time and he blows her off.

Piper gets a visit from family: parents, brother, sister-in-law. It is June 7, her birthday. She gets into an argument with her parents. She throws the fact that she has a girlfriend in their face. She omits the name of said girlfriend but they've heard enough and leave early. She tells Alex about it. They start  making out in Alex's bunk.

Suzanne keeps having dreams about Vee. She claims that Vee is still alive. Taystee is tasked with keeping Suzanne under control. Nothing seems to get through to Suzanne until Taystee breaks into tears while insisting that Vee is dead and gone.

Gloria's older son comes to see her, finally. She gives him a hard time about his behavior and insists that he come see her every week. She promises to sick her brothers on him if he doesn't comply with her demands.

Caputo invites a prison management company in to visit Litchfield with the hope of getting them to take over running the prison. He asks the correctional officers to make sure everything goes smoothly. It doesn't, of course. The episode ends with him getting word that the private prison company is going to take over Litchfield.


I really liked Boo's arc in this episode. I liked her interactions with Doggett. I thought that they made really good use of the backstory spotlight for the first time this season. Boo's final confrontation with her father was very emotional and I liked how it led into her meeting with the preacher.

I was also moved by the way Taystee and Suzanne connected over the loss of Vee. This led to Suzanne pushing things a little too far but she quickly realized her mistake and backed off.

This is my favorite episode of this season to date. Hopefully it won't be the high point of the season.

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