Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Nurse Jackie 1.03

Chicken Soup

Jackie turns to Eddie for more pain killers after she accidentally drops her last one down the drain. He gives her a back rub instead of Vicodin. He just found out that the hospital is planning on replacing him with a robot.

Dr. O'Hara borrows Zoey's new stethoscope. Zoey is too intimidated by Dr. O'Hara to ask for it back. Jackie tells her she has to get it back from Dr. O'Hara.

An elderly man (Eli Wallach) is brought in. He has heart problems. He's had heart surgery in the past. He doesn't want to see a doctor. He just wants his wife's chicken soup. Jackie tries to encourage him to see a doctor but he won't. His wife brings him chicken soup but it isn't enough. He dies in the hospital.

A twenty-something year old woman comes in with stomach pains. It doesn't seem to be anything she ate. Jackie figures out what's wrong after a pregnancy test comes back negative. The woman has been taking Vicodin and tried going cold turkey. She mentions that it's easy to get it online. Jackie doesn't act interested but in the next scene she's on Google.

Jackie's eldest daughter is obsessed with a documentary on plagues. She can't stop watching it and her father is concerned.


Eli Wallach was great. I loved watching Zoey try to approach Dr. O'Hara, who acted like she didn't but did know exactly what Zoey was after. This was another good one.

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