Friday, February 7, 2020

NewsRadio 3.22


Matthew plays a practical joke on some of the staff. He hides in the refrigerator and scares people when they open it up. He gets Catherine but then she gets him back. He also scares Mr. James but then Mr. James has a heart attack.

Mr. James goes into a coma. They bring him back to WNYC after he spends some time in the hospital. They put his bed in the break room. The doctor recommends that the staff take turns talking to him, around the clock, until he wakes up. They do as the doctor recommends.

Jimmy wakes up briefly when Lisa mentions that she wants to have a baby. She is serious and tries to talk Dave into the idea. He wants to get married first. She shoots down that idea.

Eventually Mr. James wakes up, while Lisa and Dave are there talking about having or not having a baby.


This was a very good episode. There isn't much to the plot but I really like the humor. Everyone gets their moment, except Beth who isn't in this episode.

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