Monday, April 12, 2021

Freaks and Geeks 1.06

I'm with the Band

Mr. Fredericks, the gym teacher insists that everyone in his class needs to shower after class. Sam doesn't want to and talks Neal and Bill into not showering either. That works for a day. Bill and Neal decide to shower after that. Sam keeps avoiding the shower and making excuses for why he can't shower.

Nick's father is getting on his case because he's always playing the drums and his grades are low. Lindsey tries to encourage him but her words end up driving a wedge between Nick and the others. Nick feels lost until Lindsey finds out that a local band is looking for a new drummer.

Sam tries getting out of showering by ditching class but he gets caught hiding in the boys room, by another teacher. The next day he decides to take a shower but then he gets pushed out and locked out of the locker room. He is wearing nothing but a towel at the time it happens. He loses his towel and ends up streaking around the school until he finds a way back into the locker room.

Nick auditions for the band but it doesn't work out. He gets even more despondent. Lindsey kisses him, hoping it will make him feel better. It does but Nick tells all their friends about it. Kim is impressed with Lindsey but also calls her a slut, in a friendly way.


This was a good one. I really enjoyed it. The dinner table scene killed me. Nick is so pathetic looking for a good chunk of it. Lindsey digs herself a hole by kissing Nick. Sam finds some new confidence in the end.

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