Monday, April 26, 2021

Invincible 1.04

Neil Armstrong, Eat Your Heart Out

Darkblood continues to investigate Omni-Man. Nolan pays Darkblood a visit. He tries to warn him off. Darkblood tells him that Debbie suspects that something isn't right. 

Mark goes on a date with Amber. It goes well. 

The new Guardians of the Globe move into the headquarters of the old, murdered team. Robot continues to act suspiciously. He takes a blood sample from Rex Splode without telling him.

The surviving Mauler Twin sets up a new headquarters. He starts working on a new clone of himself.

Cecil tries to get Omni-Man to go on a mission to Mars but he refuses. Mark volunteers to take his place. The mission doesn't go exactly as planned. The astronauts get captured by Martians. Invincible rescues them but one of them gets taken over by a non-Martian alien. The alien stays hidden. No one notices what happened.

Nolan takes Debbie to Italy while Mark is off planet. They have a serious talk. He doesn't tell her the truth.

Cecil decides he's had enough of Darkblood. He sends him back to the dimension from which he came. Darkblood left something for Debbie in her closet.


Why are they dragging out the revelation that Omni-Man is the killer? I think at this point they are probably holding that for the last episode of the season. I just don't understand why.

This was an okay episode. It feels like there's a lot of stuff building but not a whole lot in the way of resolution. This episode has its moments but it feels like the show is dragging. I'm starting to wonder if this was my problem with the comic book. I read 6 trade paperback collections before I dropped it. If I remember correctly it was because it felt like it just kept building but never went anywhere. I wasn't keeping notes back then so there's nothing for me to refer to.

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