Saturday, May 22, 2021

Orange Is the New Black 4.13

Toast Can't Never Be Bread Again

Poussey gets the backstory spotlight. She goes to New York City with some friends. They are there to see a show but things go sideways when her phone gets snatched. She runs out of the club, after the thief. The phone snatcher gets away and she gets lost.

Piscatella tries to take charge of the situation at Litchfield but Caputo's had enough. He sends him home. Caputo then goes to see Bayley who doesn't yet realize that Poussey is dead. Caputo has Dixon drive Bayley home. Dixon tells Bayley stories about killing innocent civilians in Afghanistan.

Chapman sees Bayley before he goes home. He's in bad shape. He wants to apologize to Taystee and the other black inmates. She convinces him not to and promises to tell them for her.

Vause starts feelings increasingly guilty about the hitman she killed. Chapman catches her burying notes around the prison with the hitman's name on them. Chapman convinces Vause that they have to retrieve all the notes.

MCC takes its time responding to Caputo's request for instructions on how to proceed. Poussey's body is left in the dining hall covered by a tarp. Breakfast has to be served outside.

MCC's legal spends almost 24 hours getting its act together. They try to blame it on Poussey but they can't find anything that makes her sound violent. Eventually they decide to say that Bayley was a rogue officer.

CO Humphrey brings a gun into the prison. It is strapped to his ankle. Dixon and Stratman try to stop him but he insists that its for his and their protection. They let him go in with the gun.

Doggett and CO Coates have a chat. Boo is against it but Doggett insists. Coates is thinking of quitting his job at Litchfield. Doggett doesn't want him to leave. She kisses him. He admits that he is still attracted to her. He's turned on by what she did but he backs off.

Red starts planning for a new garden. She gets a bunch of the other prisoners in on her plan. She later admits to Berlin that it is just something to keep them busy. Nichols tries to seduce Morello, who isn't interested. Morello admits to Nichols that she is screwing up her relationship with Vince.

Poussey, meets a couple drag queens who take to a club. She has fun but doesn't find her friends.

Judy King gets released from prison. Yoga Jones tries to encourage her to tell the world what happened to Poussey. Judy King is too interested in getting out to do anything for anyone else, which disgusts Yoga Jones.

Suzanne pulls a bookshelf down on herself. She winds up having to go to medical because she is seriously injured.

Leanne and Angie find Poussey's stash of hooch. They get drunk and destroy the time machine.

Taystee gets the phone number for General Washington, Poussey's father. She leaves it on Caputo's desk. He finds it just as he is getting ready for a press briefing. Linda is there. She notices that there are bite marks on Joe's right ear. Caputo goes outside and calls General Washington just before reading a statement for the cameras.

Poussey gets a ride from some bicycle riding monks who turn out not to be monks but actors. She winds up down by the water with them. They smoke weed and talk shit into the early hours of the morning.

Caputo gives his statement but it isn't the statement that MCC wrote for him. He does not mention Poussey by name. He does not hang Bayley out to dry. He says it was a mistake. All the prisoners are in lockdown but Taystee is in the next room. She overhears what Caputo says and goes and tells her friends. The prisoners start to riot.

Judy King is being led towards the exit by CO McCullough and CO Humphrey when they get surrounded by the prisoners rioting. Humphrey pulls out his gun. One of the prisoners knocks him down and his gun goes flying. Daya picks it up. She points it at the two COs. She orders them down on the ground. McCullough complies but Humphrey does not. He stares her down.

The camera spins around Daya. There is one last shot of Poussey, down by the water, in the early morning hours, smiling into the camera. 


This episode was longer than usual, as were the finales to the second and third seasons. 

That was a powerful episode from start to finish. It flew by and did not drag at all. My eyes were not dry for a good chunk of it. There was a little humor in it but not a lot.

I think that the ending implies that Daya shoots and probably kills Humphrey. I'm not sure that's where it goes but that's how it felt to me.

I have no idea what to expect from the next season. I am interested enough to give it a try.

I honestly didn't think they could top the previous episode but they did. I thought this was a much better season closer than the previous one and possibly the best one yet.

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