Monday, May 17, 2021

Doctor Who (1963) 14.01.03

The Masque of Mandragora - Part 3

The Doctor shows up just in time to help Giuliano keep Count Federico's men from killing him. The brethren, the Cult of Demnos show up and start fighting with the Count's men. The Doctor and Giuliano take off into the catacombs.

Sarah is taken to Hieronymous. He hypnotizes her and gives her a poisoned brooch and instructions to use it on the Doctor. Giuliano and the Doctor find Sarah unconscious in the catacombs. They aren't sure what she was doing there but they take her with them.

Count Federico goes to see Hieronymous, who foretells the Count's death. Federico is not amused.

Marco, Giuliano's friend, is captured by Count Federico's men. He is tortured in an effort to get him to confess that Giuliano is in league with the Cult of Demnos.

The Doctor leaves Giuliano and Sarah behind and goes to see Hieronymous. Sarah follows him. She tries to kill him while he is talking to Hieronymous but he disarms her and breaks the spell that Hieronymous has over her. The Count's men show up. They take the Doctor and Sarah prisoner but Hieronymous escapes.

Count Federico has the Doctor and Sarah locked up in the cell with Marco and Giuliano, who has also been captured. The Doctor warns the Count about Hieronymous and tells him where they can find him.

Hieronymous leads the Cult of Demnos in a ceremony that imbues him with great power. Count Federico and the Doctor show up in the middle of the ceremony. Count Federico interrupts and is killed by Hieronymous.


I can't help but notice that Sarah is the only woman in this show. I don't think that's unusual either. It makes me think of The Face of Evil where Leela was the only woman.

Still good, still enjoying it. I'm looking forward to watching this one again with the commentary track turned on.

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