Monday, April 3, 2023

Doctor Who (1963) 11.03.03

Death to the Daleks - Part Three

Sarah is approached by a humanoid creature. She finds his appearance frightening but he means her no harm. The Doctor, elsewhere in the caverns, is attacked by a snake-like creature that breathes fire. The Doctor evades it. A Dalek shows up and gets into a fight with the snake-like creature. The Dalek is destroyed but the fight gives the Doctor a chance to escape back the way he came.

The Doctor and Sarah evade the Daleks with the help of their new friend, Bellal. He tells them about the city and how his people used to travel to the stars. The Doctor concludes that Bellal's people might have visited Earth.

The Doctor goes with Bellal to investigate the city. He sends Sarah back to the human spaceship. A couple Daleks enter the city not long after the Doctor and Bellal. They are closing in on them when the Doctor notices that he and Bellal are about to step into a trap.


Galloway, Tarrant, and Hamilton are still around but now they have to work for the Daleks. They don't get much in the way of interesting lines or character moments. I think that they are relying a little too heavily on special effects in this story and they ain't all that great. 

I'm still not loving this story. All of the focus seems to be on the Doctor discovering things. Everything and everyone else seems to be just there. They don't really do anything except in service to the Doctor's part of the story. I don't foresee the last episode turning things around for me.

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