Thursday, July 18, 2024

Batman Beyond 3.03


Inque sabotages a rocket that is getting ready to take off from the Shimano Space Center. Batman shows up in time to confront her but Inque gets sway. Inque meets Winchell, her client, but he's changed his find about honoring their agreement. He blasts her with a high powered weapon that badly injures the shapeshifter.

Batman turns to Max for help finding Inque. Inque turns to her daughter, Deanna Clay. Deanna has problems of her own but agrees to help once her estranged mother agrees to pay her. Deanna steals some mutagen that Inque needs badly. Batman confronts Winchell, who tries to kill him, and gets the information he needs to find Inque.

Batman locates Deanna's apartment. He gets there about the same time that Deanna returns with the mutagen. Inque gets to the mutagen and heals very quickly. Batman tries to take her in but she is too strong for him until something goes wrong because Deanna spiked the Mutagen.

Inque dissolves away into nothing. Deanna takes her mother's money and buys herself a fancy place to live. She's convinced that Inque is dead. Batman isn't and tells Deanna that he thought Inque was dead once before. Deanna shugs it off but after he leaves she starts to have her doubts.


Bruce Wayne is mentioned but does not appear in this episode. This is not the final appearance of Inque. This is the one and only episode in which Deanna Clay appeared. Dana appears briefly in this episode but does not play a major role in it.

I've seen this episode before but nothing in it rang any bells for me. This was a really good episode, not top notch but I really like it, especially the creepy ending.

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